Steps to lose weight and you're asleep !!

Even during the hours of sleep, body fat and calorie burn, but the conditions! Hormones

Night be your girlfriend through diet and help you lose weight if you follow the following steps a day:
Eat three hours of sleep: the last meal that you should be able to get them before,

Must be three hours of Khalodk to sleep before. This method gives the time

Enough for your body to digest food, and thus fully rested this device at the entrance to the bed.

 When eating foods before going to sleep three hours, there will be enough time to regain the body's level

 Natural insulin, fat and sugar in the blood, which helps to burn calories during sleep.
A lot of protein for dinner: dinner proteins contain any meat

Or fish or chicken dish with power, helps you to get fit until you're asleep.

This high protein dinner and free of carbohydrates does not raise the level of

Insulin during the night hours, which in turn promotes the accumulation of fat in the body.
Sleep early: from 10 pm until 6:00 is the best to sleep and calorie burn time


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